Maxtreat 9206

Maxtreat® 9206 is a unique blend of alkaline penetrates, surfactants and polymeric dispersants to help clean up biofouled reverse osmosis system to maximize the efficiency.
· Keeps System Clean
® 9206 cleans RO membrane fouled by organic accumulations and also colloidal matters and silt.
Maxtreat® 9206 penetrates and disperses organic deposit and improves the performance.
· Enhances micro biocide effectiveness
® 9206 improves the performance of biocides by helping them penetrate in masses. This result in a quicker and more complex kill, as well as reduced biological growth.
· Disperses Foulants
® 9206 disperses deposit of silt, clay, iron oxide, organics and dead biological matter. Thus, it improves system cleanliness resulting in increased permeate flow, reduced pressure drop across the tube and minimizes biofouling.
Prepare the stock solution of Maxtreat® 9206 using DM water or permeate water only. Use dilution ratio of 1 to 2 % in proportion of the total volume of cleaning system. Flush the membranes using permeate water or DM water. Circulate at the flow rate recommended by the membrane manufacture depending upon the membrane size. Pass already prepared cleaning solution for 1 to 2 hr. If the solution becomes turbid, prepare fresh solution and re -circulate through membrane. Soak the membrane for 30 – 60 minutes. In multi pass systems, best results will be achieved if each passes is cleaned individually. Drain out the cleaning solution and flush the system with DM or permeate water till the pH of the drained water is nearly same as permeate water. Restart the plant There may be some variation in cleaning procedure depending on system conditions. Our representative will help you in designing exact procedure for effective cleaning of your RO system.
Maxtreat® 9206 should be stored in dry condition. Ensure the container is closed tightly to avoid contact with air. Normal precautions should be taken while handling the material In case of contact wash with lot of water. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Do not swallow.

Maxtreat® 9206 is available in 35 kg carboys.